Egg Freezing

Egg Freezing In Long Island, NY

You may have read about egg freezing in news stories or heard about it from a celebrity on their Instagram page, but you may not know exactly why so many women are choosing to freeze their eggs.

Why are more women today freezing their eggs?
Elective egg freezing, or fertility preservation, has become a hot topic because it allows women to plan to have a family in the future by ensuring that their eggs are preserved in their current healthy state.

Why should I consider freezing my eggs?
Age is a major factor of infertility in women. As a woman ages, the quality and quantity of her eggs diminish. By the age of 35 only ~50% of a woman’s eggs will be chromosomal normal (euploid) which drastically reduces your chances of achieving a pregnancy.

By freezing your eggs now, they remain in their current healthy state, and can be thawed and used in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle later in life when the time is right.

Reasons why women might delay building a family:

  • Pursuing their career goals
  • Earning a degree
  • Looking for the right partner
  • Simply not ready
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American Society for Reproductive Medicine
College of American Pathologists
Fertile Hope
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology
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